Saturday, July 14, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

True Love

My one true love:

Since I was young I dreamed of the classic fairy tale, Prince Charming sweeping me off of my feet and living happily ever after. I searched and until this day I have not found him but I do know that I have found something much better! Better than all the fairy tales I watched as a child and the day dreams I thought was happiness, no I have found something truly AMAZING! I have been blessed with YOU Gabriella. You have changed my entire life and me as a person! YOU are my one true love! There is NO love greater than me and you!



Today is July 4th, a definite amazing day for us as a country. Gabriella wanted to show her pride :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

First Infusion

She did not want to be bothered, funny thing is nothing was happening to her in this picture lol

Waiting to be called in

I did not like watching her cry during her bloodwork, as soon as it was done i scooped her up and cried with her!

These are Gabriella's beautiful perfect cells being infused into her body!!

Our trip to North Carolina Duke Medical Center was nothing short of amazing! Gabriella did great throughout the trip. However, she certainly hated getting her blood drawn and screamed forever! 16lbs 26.5 inches long are her newest weight and length, she is growing sooo fast! The infusion itself was rather quick but we had to stay for a few hours afterwards in order to watch for a possible allergic reaction to the preservative in the cells. No reaction :) I am originally from NC so of course we had to visit with our amazing family down there! On our way home Gabby was a bit tired of driving for hours and hours so she became a bit cranky but overall she did GREAT! We have been home for a few weeks now and call me crazy but we already see a ton of improvement especially in her eyes! Two infusions still to go and I cannot wait!