Tuesday, September 11, 2012

More Progress

Gabriella reading lol

                                                       Starting to be able to sit up!!!!!

     So Gabriella has been doing all sorts of new things! She's copying little noises I make and when I laugh she will copy it as well! I am loving every single day with this beautiful little girl! She amazes me every day!!! Today as you can see in the picture she has begun to sit up for a few seconds at a time on her own!! This is great progress!

    Physical therapy was here today and worked on many muscle strengthening exercises. Her therapist is extremely pleased with Gabby's progress and I couldn't be happier! Also Miss Gabby went for her 6month check up with her pediatrician, she was not very happy with him. 3 shots were given and I don't think I have ever seen her so upset, this was by far the hardest pedicatrician appointment so far that we've been to. Poor girl. Today though she is back to her normal happy self. We will be taking her to an eye specialist for children on September 18th because Gabby still has a bit of a difficult time seeing farther distances so we may have to be getting some glasses. Keep amazing us my little princess you are doing GREAT! Obviously there are things we are still having to keep an eye on, muscle tone, eyes etc but we will take each day one day at a time. :)